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Befunge: An Esoteric Story

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There are a lot of programming languages out there, all of them interesting in their own way. Most of them are practical and designed to be used to solve actual problems. Others… have a different purpose. These are the esoteric languages. Esolang defines them as:

computer programming language[s] designed to experiment with weird ideas, to be hard to program in, or as a joke, rather than for practical use.

We could interpret this definition as stating that these languages are valueless, but that would be a mistake. The "weird ideas" are often quite fun to play with and can expose us to a new way of thinking. Their value lies in the expansion of what we know to be possible.

One of these languages that I really enjoyed exploring is Befunge, created in 1993 by Chris Pressey. The goal with Befunge was to create a language as difficult to compile as possible. One aspect of the language that lends itself to this goal is dimensionality - that is, an executing program has an instruction pointer that "moves" in cardinal directions as instructions are being processed.

I'm sorry, what?

Before we jump into moving around, let's establish some basics. Befunge is stack oriented – as its instruction pointer moves along, it pushes or pops values to or from the stack, or takes an action on the values at the top of the stack. Here's an example adding 6 and 4:


Let's break this down step-by-step. In the following snippets, the down arrow ↓ represents the current position of the instruction pointer, the right arrow → represents the top of the stack, the stack values are within squares brackets [], and $> represents what's been printed to standard output. When the program starts, the instruction pointer is at the far left and moves to the right.

Aren't you supposed to start with Hello, World?

A side effect of using a stack oriented language is that dealing with string literals can be awkward. For example, if our program looks like "Hello, World!", and our instruction pointer is moving left to right, it will add each character of our string to the stack one-by-one, resulting in the character ! being on top. Since operations can only interact with the top of the stack, if we started printing each character, we'd print the whole thing backwards! We could deal with this in our code by writing string literals backwards, or we could go left:

Technically a one-liner?

When I introduced Befunge above, I stated we could move in cardinal directions, but so far we've only seen left and right. If we want to go full cardinal, we'll need the ability to move up and down as well.

I'm going to skip the step-by-step analysis for this next example. We've covered most of it already, but the new stuff is:

<                 v
v"Hello, World"+64<
>:| >

In this example, the movement instructions are a great indicator as to the flow of our program. Even the if-statements indicate their direction: _ for horizontal and | for vertical. Like arrows pointing the way, we can envision the instruction pointer's path wrapping around, doing a little loop, wrapping again, and repeating. It's an interesting and unorthodox way of reasoning about what a program is accomplishing.

I'm going to stop here, but there're more features to Befunge that you may enjoy exploring on your own (including changing the source code of the program itself, while it's running).

Well then

Befunge is pretty weird and fun and it's amazing that such a language exists. By itself, it's not very useful, but getting exposed to a different way of thinking about programming is certainly valuable.